My secret admirer
I have been busy with my performance, and practice at school these days because my bassoon recital (performance) is coming up in April 24 09 Friday at NOon.
Nothing interesting these days except few days ago, a secret admirer sent me a cow postcard from Texas. I thought the card was meant for me (Silvia Tang). However, I think the postman sent it to the wrong girl who has the same first name as me, but different last name which is Chen.
Well, doesn't matter if its' for Silvia Tang or Silvia Chen, I decided to keep this lovely postcard as my own, and wait for that secret admirer to show up at my recital. This card really made my day :p
PS: I have a dream~~~~~~~ I hope to see most of my cousins in April 24 09 at noon for my recital. I hope to see them smiling at me and applaud to show their love and support. I have a dream~~ a dream a dream that i wish my dream could come true. Amen...
pray harder so that it will really come true....wink**
Hmmm what sort of cow is this?
I was thinking why cow?? why not some other cute or pretty animals like my favourite one----Squirrels (or Chips N Dale from the Disney)
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